Plan a Visit

We invite you to look around our website, and we would like to extend an invitation to you to come and check us out in person. We hope to make you feel welcome and comfortable when you visit, so below are some things you might like to know ahead of time.


Click to enlarge map


Spring Valley Baptist Church is located at 91 Polo Road in Northeast Columbia, SC 29223. That's about 1 block from Two Notch Road (and the opposite end of Polo Road from the recreation fields and the interstate.)

What should I wear?

Our church family varies on how they dress on Sundays. Some wear suits and dresses and others may wear more casual outfits or even jeans.


The parking team will direct you to the closest available spot. Just follow the smiling faces wearing the bright yellow vests. We reserve parking spots for first-time guests, so if you’re new to Spring Valley Baptist, be sure to turn on your hazard lights when you enter the parking lot.

Where do I go?

As you walk into the building, our greeters will meet you and show you where to find the worship center, restrooms, Children’s Ministry, and Student Ministry. If you need anything during your visit feel free to stop by the Welcome Center, located right outside of the Worship Center, where someone will be glad to assist you!

Adults During Life Groups (10:45 am)

Adults meet in Life Groups at 10:45 am. We have a variety of groups based on age ranges and several based on teaching topics. When you arrive, one of our greeters will help direct you to a group to try. Some people like to try several groups before deciding which one fits the best. Adult Life Groups are located in the hallway under the Worship Center and in the Platt Building.

Worship (9:30 am)

Sunday Morning Worship is at 9:30 AM in our Worship Center. Worship music is driven by the day’s theme. Our worship is full of Awe (Who God is) and Celebration (What God has done). The music in our worship is led by our Minister of Music and Worship, choir, and praise team. We combine a variety of instruments, from a modern band to piano and organ.  We include soloists and ensembles. The congregation sings hymns as well as modern worship songs.

Where Do my Children go?

The number one question for parents visiting the first time is "Where do my children go?" We recommend arriving at least 10-20 minutes before Worship or Bible Study to allow time to get signed in and get help finding your children's rooms.

Kids During Worship (9:45 am)

During worship, we have "extended care" for infants-Kindergarten. SVBC Kids workers will be in the Ark Atrium and will help you sign in your children and direct you to the appropriate room for their age. We believe in families worshiping together, and children who are in Kindergarten and older attend worship with their families. Be sure to ask an usher for a children's bulletin as you enter the Worship Center. 

Kids During Life Group Time (10:45 am)

During Life Groups, children in the preschool hall are in an age-appropriate group. Children 1-5th grade are on the 2nd floor of Building B. Children can check in at the Ark Atrium or at the Children's Area desk on the second floor near the Worship Center. There will be someone at that desk to greet you, help you check in, and show you where your child will be during LIfe Groups. Children have an exciting time of worship and learning in our Rally Room and then in their grade specific groups. Click here for more information about our Children's Ministry. 

If you have a student who is in 6th-12th grade, they attend their Life Groups in the Student Center, located at the back of our campus. Enter the door on the right side (wheelchair access is available on the left side of the building) and there will be someone from our Student team to greet you and help you find where to go. Click here for more information about our Student Ministry.

If you have any questions prior to your visit or a special situation or concerns with your children, please do not hesitate to call the church office to speak with our Children's Ministry Director, Allyson Horton, or with our Minister to Students, Michael Graham during the week prior to attending. We would love to help you prepare to come and worship with us on Sunday! Our office number is 803-736-0624.