Join us this Sunday: in-person or online.
9:30 am Worship
You can join us for live worship on Facebook, YouTube, and at
Spring Valley Baptist Church is a community of believers in Jesus Christ who are connecting people with Christ, growing in faith, and going to serve and disciple others.
9:30 am Worship in-person & online
10:45 am Lifegroups for all ages
Wednesdays: Midweek at SVBC
Family Dinner for all ages is at 5:00pm in the Fellowship Center.
Children In Action (1st-5th grade) meet in the children’s area at 6pm. Kindergarteners, preschoolers, and babies start at 6 pm in the preschool hall) For more information email Allyson Horton.
Students (Middle & High School Students) meet in the Student Center on Wednesday nights starting at 6pm. For more information email Spencer Creech.
Adult classes start at 6pm. See more information at our Midweek Page.
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